The Holy Quran
Quran Information
Topic Index of the Quran
Index of Quran by Surah
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Quran in Arabic script
Transliteration of the Quran
Translations of the Holy Quran
Tafseer (An explanation of the verses of the Quran)
How Tafseer is Performed?
by Ibn Taymeeyah
Tafsir Ibn Kathir
In the Shade of the Quran
- Part 30 by Sayyid Qutb
Explanation of Surah al-Ikhlaas - The Chapter of Purity
by Shaykh-ul-Islam Taqi ad-Deen Ibn Taymiyyah
Explanation of the First Verse in Soorah al-Hujuraat
by Dr. Bilal Philips
Adwaa al-Bayaan
by MUHAMMAD AL-AMEEN ASH-SHANQEETEE (Tafseer translated into English)
The Tafseer of Sooratun-Nabaa`(79)
by Dr. Saalih as-Saalih
The Tafseer of Sooratul Fatihah
- Compiled from the tafaaseer of at-Tabaree, al-Qurtubee, Ibn Katheer, ash-Shawkaanee, as-Sadee, and ash-Shanqeetee.
The Explanation of Sooratul Furqaan (25:44)
- By Imaam Muhammad al-Ameen ash-Shanqeetee
Tafseeru Aayatil Kursi
By Shaykh Al-’Uthaymeen
Signs of Allah’s Existence
A Reminder of the Story of `Aad and Thamud
Imam Ibn Kathir
Allah Grants Help and Victory to Followers of the True Deen
Imam Ibn ul Qayyim al Jawziyyah
Commentary on the Basmala
Imam at-Tabari
Commentary on the Verse 35:32
Imam Ibn Taymiyyah
Explanation of Soorah al-`Asr - The Time
Imam Ibn Kathir
Explanation of Soorah al-Kaafiroon - The Disbelievers
Imam Ibn Kathir
Explanation of Soorah al-Qadr
Imam Ibn Kathir
Explanation of the First Verse in Soorah al-Hujuraat
Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips
Seek Help in Patience and Prayer (Explanation of 2:153-154)
Imam Ibn Kathir
Tafseer of az-Zalzalah (99):7-8
Imam Ibn Kathir
Tafseer of the Salaf
Imam Ibn Taymiyyah
Tafseer Soorah al-Faatihah
`Allaamah Muhammad al-Ameen ash-Shanqeetee
Tafseer Soorah al-Kawthar
Imam Ibn Kathir
The Help of Allaah And His Victory
`Allaamah Muhammad al-Ameen ash-Shanqeetee
The Life of this World is Fleeting Enjoyment
Imam Ibn Kathir
Two Episodes of Jewish Mischief [From Tafsir Soorah al-`Isra]
Imam Ibn Kathir
Virtues of Reciting Specific Parts of the Qur'an
Articles about the Quran
A Guide to Memorizing the Quran
Ulum al Quran - Intro to the Sciences of the Quran
The Way to the Quran by Khurram Murad
Memorizing the Quran
- Some Rules
Four Basic Quranic Terms
by Syed Abul-Ala Maududi
An Interesting Aspect of the Qur'aan's Miraculous Nature
by Dr. Bilal Philips/Dr. Maurice Bucaille
On the Inimitability of the Qur'aan's Literary Style, About the Miracle of Its Rhyme and the Marvel of Its Rhythm
From "Usool at-Tafseer" by Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips
Warning From Abandoning the Qur'aan
How To Benefit From the Qur'aan
Excellent Qualities of Quran
by by Imam Muhammed Bin Abdul Wahab
The requirement for Tahara for reciting/touching the Quran
by Jamal Zarabozo
The Excellence of the Followers of the Qur'an
The Veneration of the Mighty Qur'an
by Imam al-Bayhaqi
The Qur'anic Path
The Names and Attributes of the Quraan
Shaykh Muhammad Jameel Zeeno
The Miracle of Qur'anic Eloquence and Style
By Dr. Abdul Radhi Muhammad Abdul Mohsen
The Virtues of the Qur'an [
Part 1
Part 2
] By Shaykh `Abdul Qadir al-Arna'oot
22 Dua from The Holy Quran
The Meaning of The Pronoun "We" As Used in The Qur'aan
Recitation of the Quran (Audio Files)
Recitation of Sura Fathiha
by Shiekh Saad Al-Ghamdhi of Saudi Arabia
Tajweed (How to properly Recite the Holy Quran)
Rules of Recitation